
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Location: Gladstone Hotel, Melody Bar
Episodes: Fry & the Slurm Factory, Anthology of Interest II, Hell is Other Robots
Categories: Dr. Zoidberg, Heads in Jars
Winner: 2 Litres of Shasta & an all-Rush Mixtape
Average Score: 28.9, 58% 

Premiere interview with the AV Club Toronto:

Final Standings (out of 50):

1. 2 Litres of Shasta & an all-Rush Mixtape, 42.5 pts.
2. Necks are for Sheep, 41.5 pts.
3. Fighting Mongooses, 40 pts.
3. Thundercougarfalconbird, 40 pts.
5. Gumbercules, 37.5 pts.
6. The Formidable Doers of the Nasty, 37 pts.
7. The New Justice Team, 35.5
8. Awesome Express, 35 pts.
8. Regular Gonzalez, 35 pts.
10. Let Me Worry About Blank, 34.5 pts.
11. The Educated Whales Who Think They're Better Than You, 34 pts.
12. Land Sea Lions (WE TAME THEM) 31.5 pts.
12. The League of Scholarly Gentlemen, 31.5 pts.
14. Whalers on the Moon, 30.5 pts.
15. Real Holographic Simulated Evil Lincoln is Back! 30 pts.
16. Sasha's Go-Go 80s Reaganauts, 27 pts.
17. Brannigan's Law, 23.5 pts.
18. Amanda's Go-Go 80s Reaganauts, 23 pts.
19. Square Root of 66, 22.5 pts.
20. Robot House! 22 pts.
21. The Rusty Crushinators, 16 pts.
22. Single Female Lawyer, 11.5 pts.
23. Retiree People of the Assisted Living Nebula, 7.5 pts.
24. Citizen Snips, 5.5 pts.
25. Who Dares to be a Millionaire, 2 pts. (The Gavin & Joel family support group!)